Recently, I re-encountered an issue with how Firefox Prefetchs some content, specifically urls within a <link rel=’next’ header element. This isn’t the first time this has caused me to spend some time debugging what appears to be a weird bug in my code, so I decided to write a post describing the issue, how it […]
While at the CompUSA in Raleigh the other night, I made my way down the isle where they stock their pre-built computers and paused for a moment to listen to a salesman try his best to pitch the merits of Windows 8 to a couple. “See you just move your mouse to this side of […]
One WordPress feature that I find myself using often is the Parent/Child relationship when creating pages. This lets you specify that a page should be a subpage of a specific page and can be found in the “Attributes” box. This feature can be very useful when organizing a site into various sections. For example, if […]
By using the Forum Block Manager in vBulletin, you can customize your forum dynamically, without having to modify any code or css. The Forum Block Manager is visible by logging into the backend and going to: Forums & Moderators -> Forum Blocks Manager. From there, depending on your theme, you can click Add New Block […]
When I develop a new wordpress site for a client, I typically work on a development server, only moving it to the clients web host when the site is finished and has been approved by the client, including adding the final content and pictures. As a result, I need to be able to update the […]