Patching Artbee’s Jupiter Theme to Fix Broken Backend

Published by John on May 14, 2019

**Disclaimer: This post probably has a very limited useful lifespan, so if you reach this after 05/14/2019 and are experiencing a similar issue, it may not be related!** Recently, a client contacted me because the backend of their wordpress website was inaccessible. They are using the Jupiter Theme by Artbee’s and the front end of […]

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Magento: The Case of the Ridiculously Large User Sessions

Published by John on April 12, 2019

I ran into an interesting issue this week caused by someone using Magebay’s Menu Creator Pro plugin. The plugin was causing user sessions to be extremely large and included HTML content. The result was user sessions that were 1.5MB in size and because this site was using memcache and gets a fair number of unique visitors to their website each day, was causing hosting problems.

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Bypassing (or Upgrading Emogrifier) In Woocommerce

Published by John on February 1, 2019

While developing a custom email template for a client running the Woocommerce E-Commerce shopping cart system on their website, I ran into some issues with styles being automatically inlined and added to the email before it was sent.

After some debugging, I discovered that Woocommerce uses the Emogrifier to inline styles in the email, which was causing some issues.

This post discusses how you can use your own copy of the emogrifer library, in order to change settings or upgrade it to a newer version, without modifying woocommerce code.

I would add the disclaimer that there are some potential problems with this, so whenever possible fixing your template so emogrifier doesn’t break it is probably better.

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A Very Knightdale Christmas

Published by John on December 24, 2018

A few weeks ago, we attended the Christmas tree lighting at Knightdale Station Park. It was a fun event and made all the better by the support of the town of Knightdale and a number of local businesses. I look forward to the coming New Year and wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

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Creating a Bootable Windows 10 USB on Linux using WoeUSB

Published by John on December 22, 2018

If you have been fixing or working with computers for awhile, you probably remember how much of a pain it could be to find the right installation media for reinstalling Windows. Mainly, because if you had a Dell, HP, or other store bought laptop or desktop, you couldn’t just use any Windows CD, but had […]

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